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Trainer & Facilitator (HR)

Atraineris often a content expert who is responsible for training in a job specific area with technical knowledge and the capabilities required, while afacilitatoris a process expert who looks after the training specifications. Atrainer uses lecture, conducts demonstrations, supervises skill practice, and corrects the learners' mistakes. A meetingfacilitatorleads discussions and helps participants learn from their own experiences and shared information. There are different types of trainers like corporate trainer, IT trainer, soft skill trainer, etc.

1. A facilitator interviews staff to assess training requirements
2. Facilitator designs the training modules
3. Facilitator manages employees subscriptions to conferences and learning courses
4. Facilitators monitors all the outcomes of the training
5. Facilitator calculates and submit reports on the training costs
6. Trainers make use of seminars, presentations, exercises, etc., to train employees on organizational goals and procedures
7. Trainers plan and implement effective training curriculum
8. Trainers prepare training materials and presentations both in hard copies and soft copies
9. Trainers co-ordinate with management in order to identify organizations training requirements

A Trainer requires a Bachelor's degree in Business, HR, Finance or required field and knowledge on the latest training techniques.

Presentation Skills:
One should be able to design presentations and deliver them effectively and efficiently with confidence

Communication skills:
For trainers and facilitators, it is all about how well they communicate with trainees or the management of the organization.

Organizational Skills:
Organizational skills are required to plan and co-ordinate with trainers and trainees at different levels.

Time Management and Resource Management skills:
These skills are required in order to schedule sessions of training and allocation of appropriate trainer for the sessions.

The average salary for a trainer at the basic level depends on the field and will approximately be Rs. 20,000-25,000 per month. After completing certifications and with 3-4 years of work experience, the salary will be approximately Rs. 32,000-35,000 per month.

A trainer can start their careers as a Junior trainer and proceed to becoming Senior trainers or Facilitator. After some certifications, they can progress and become training managers.

Dr. Hari Shankar Shyam
you can read about him here

Akash Gautam
to know more about him, please click here

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